The entirely NSFW climax to Frank Dieselwang vs. Dr. Knotty!

With a great bellow from the depth of his stomach or perhaps as far as his taintal region, Frank roared and seized Regina, not because all men have a right to manhandle women in bed but because they had discussed it many times before and it could be assumed with fair confidence that this is how she liked it!

“Oh yes, seize me just the way I like it!” Regina Fortisovum yelled (the author’s choice of the verb “yelled” in place of “cried” displaying agency and feminine power in spite of this maneuver being possibly interpreted as submissive, not that there’s anything wrong with that in specific contexts) as she was hoisted up by her own petard by someone else.

Holding her up with one arm, supporting her back with love and lust with a bicep as broad and strong as a 20 inch diameter steel pipe, he used his other arm, with a similarly broad and strong bicep along the lines of a 20.5 inch diameter pipe on account of it being his dominant hand, to carefully clear away  various rope based paraphernalia and knot aficionado magazines clear of Dr. Knotty’s table instead of simply sweeping them away, because that would be a mean bad thing to do in a display of disregard for personal property, in spite of it belonging to the “bad guy” because Frank was a nice guy.

With the nearest fuck surface clear he plopped down Regina’s gorgeous, well muscled bare bum onto the hardwood surface and gave her some hard wood service, and her copious fluids spilling onto the surface pretty much undid all of the care that Frank paid to being considerate to his foe in the last paragraph, but you can’t really blame him for looking for a protective impermeable layer because HEROIC PRIVILEGE and he was in the heat of the moment, and to delay loving his rescuer the way she wanted longer than necessary would be the real crime.

He split apart/entered gently* with his giant/normal sized fuckstaff (*to the reader’s preference) between her legs and began to thrust into her at the speed the reader prefers to have sex/be thrust into. 

“Oh yes, just like that!” Regina grunted out the vague statement that allows the reader to not be taken too far out of the narrative, allowing them to imagine whatever “that” is.

After a suitable duration of this important [coupling thesaurus] he pulled out his high grade shaft and unloaded a torrent/reasonable amount of creative metaphor for male ejaculate onto her body.

“Mmmm, that was so good.” She said, clearly satisfied yet wanting more at the same time, indicating she too was a superhuman being of sexual potential. “This is ready right?” She said with a possessive point at his dongtrunk, which he was ok with, having established boundaries with her at some point earlier in their shared history.

Because his refractory period approached the statistical absolute of zero whenever he so chose, Frank was already hard again by the time the reader gets to this sentence his perfectly sized supporting beam exhibiting all of the necessary structural integrity to support a small building, let alone a woman in a clear fuck mood.

“Hey, last time you mentioned playing around with some of these right?” Frank indicated with a strong, manly point of his right index finger to some ropes hanging from the ceiling, the only evidence of his exertion being some sweat rolling from the top of his chest down his perfectly sculpted abs that would have put the lower sculptors of the three quartiles of idealized male sculptures from the classical Greek era to shame, while the upper fourth quartile would probably be more secure and give him a high five and ask him model for them at some point because with competence comes security, except for that one pretentious asshole that everyone hated because elitism does that to people sometimes.

“Oh yeah I did, how convenient!” Regina observed as she looked around, absently stroking Frank’s blemish free redwood post to keep him interested, not that he needed it but because she was considerate to his male need for physical attention during talk time. “That looks good,” she said, pointing to some elaborate tied structure that coincidentally looked like a harness held at a good level for sex.

She climbed into it herself not only because she didn’t need a MAN to help her out, but because it was easier than asking for help, and she was ok with getting help when it was requested and not given to her in a patriarchal position of condescension, which is one of the few positions that Frank Dieselwang was physically incapable of assuming.

After she arranged herself in the rigging, she turned around and aimed her cave of fortitude at him, and Frank grabbed her by the hips, spelunking his little Frank Dieselwang inside of her, negotiating a squeeze as their bodies smashed together like two cans being thrown against each other by the beer can throwing champions of 2003 and 2005 at the Coors Light competition with the same expert precision and approximately the same level of moisture release, if they were to find themselves in a can throwing standoff that neither won.

After several repetitions of this Regina Fortisovum, with a keen eye in addition to an sexual repertoire caught a glance at some loose rope hanging above their coupling, and using the momentum of a particularly tall bounce reached up and grabbed the length of rope, and used it to wrap around his neck in some kind of sexy reverse leash looking thing, trust me, it’s really hot in the author’s head and proceeded to ride Frank back aggressively using the leverage.

“Oh wow!” he cried, the way a man might when he is in the throes of imminent orgasm. Which by the way, he was a few moments away from if he were normal, but he was superhumanly able to hold off his orgasm for all of the pleasures of his romantic partners, fyi.

“Shoot your copious man seed inside of me!” She hissed hotly into his ears, his buttocks slapping against his torso like a particularly taut set of bongos being bounced repeated onto a concrete sidewalk in a well maintained city that actually has competitive bids for construction.

“Are you sure?” he asked with a relatively urgent tone, in an effort to be responsible, and they had not established that it was a safe day in the heat of the moment, and because they used a condom last time.

“Yes, you fool!” She said with a little bit of annoyance, as she was a strong capable woman who took full control of her body, though she grudgingly appreciated his attempt at being responsible and other people, men or women, might not be as prudent as she and Frank was only right to check.

With several manly, ab convulsing cocktractions, Frank injected rope after rope of his Dieseljuice (her pet name, not his) into her hungry fuck crevice.

After this, they were temporarily sated enough to clean themselves off and then do plot relevant things like apprehend Dr. Knotty for the relevant authorities and take the Bongageagogo into safekeeping, which would somehow be a plot relevant thing later.

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